Monday, June 9, 2008


i need to get a front brake and bar tape. but hey, the bike is ridable, so i say i'm done.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Round 2

So I sold the old frame and got a new one. the new bike is a 58cm Centurion Elite RS. Its a pale metallic blue with silver. I have to say, it looks really good with the original paint job and my rims. I'm debating not even stripping this frame. So, dear friends, tell me what you think about this new move.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A sad and great day in my bicycle history.

The silver rims came in today. they look beautiful on my nishiki frame. but, I have decided the frame is just too large. I am selling it on craigslist and i am in search of a new frame around 55-57cm. This means im going to have to strip a new frame. Which i dont mind too much- i enjoyed that part. I am just making sure this is the best bike for me.

All in all, the Nishiki 62cm frame would have given me a dead ball every time i dismounted. i like my balls- so im going to be patient and look for a new frame.